Tag Archives: boxspring

Is the bed skirt dead?

Are dust skirts a thing of the past? I myself love a dust skirt as long is it is crisp, clean ( NO ruffles), and tailored. I am a fabric junkie so I tend to go for a fun pattern or tape along the bottom of the skirt. Sara Costello had her debut article published in the Wall Street Journal today and her friend, the uber-talented designer Miles Redd, has no problem saying good bye to the dust skirt. The key: a boxspring cover made of a fabulous fabric ( and a bed with a beautiful frame…no harvard frame from Sleepys!).

Miles Redd’s bedroom above.

Read Sara’s piece: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703882404575519921627120254.html?KEYWORDS=sara+costello



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